Vale Nguyen Qui Duc

Nguyen Qui Duc at Tadioto
© Mark Bowyer

On 22 November we lost a dear friend. Author and artist Nguyen Qui Duc died in Hanoi from complications from cancer.

Author, artist and advocate for creative people, Nguyen Qui Duc, was one of the truly special people I’ve had the good fortune to encounter over the decades of living in Vietnam. His recent passing is an enormous loss to Hanoi and Vietnam. The loss is being felt by people across the globe touched by the man and his work.

Duc was a remarkable talent – author in three languages, artist, designer and advocate. He was also, almost accidentally, a great teacher.

For more than a decade a visit to Hanoi was enriched by time spent with Duc at his wonderful bar, Tadioto. 

I first encountered Duc after reading, Where the Ashes Are – the Odyssey of a Vietnamese Family. I was so moved and fascinated by Duc’s story and so impressed by his talent, that I was probably equal friend and groupie throughout the years I knew him. His book is one of the references for our Vietnam by the Book tour.

Hanoi will not be the same without Nguyen Qui Duc.

We’ve written more about Duc over at Rusty Compass. 

We thank you for a generous, creative life Nguyen Qui Duc.

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